This was totally on a whim, and in celebration of the fact that I got my Dutch oven back this week — totally forgotten about, having lent it to a friend last month. I was in the mood for something light, something that could make use of the veggies in our fridge, and something that would last for the rest of the week.
Oh, and something that would let me finally break open that immersion blender we bought back in December!
These kind of soups really couldn’t be simpler: start by sauteeing some onions and garlic in the bottom of whatever soup pot you’re going to use, add veggies and spices, sautee some more, add broth and cover, simmering until all the veggies are fully cooked. Blend, garnish, and serve!
In this case, the veggies were cauliflower (of course), celery, a couple of sweet potatoes, and a jalapeno pepper.
The spices were cumin, turmeric, curry powder, coriander, and half a can of coconut milk, garnished with fresh cilantro.
I was impressed by Jesse’s relenting on the idea of cooking up some chicken breasts on the side, saving those for another night, and letting this be a totally meat-free meal, quelling the craving for something hearty and savory by adding a little quesedilla on the side — a fried corn tortilla with a little pile of olive tapenade, broccoli slaw, fresh mozarella, pesto, and a drizzle of sriracha. Of course, he ate half a package of peanut butter cookies later that night, but still.
This Week’s Groceries
Oops! I’m realizing some non-grocery items snuck in here — kitchen towels and a laundry basket and whatnot. Oh but that phyllo dough you see? I used it to make a delicious spanikopita that I served last Saturday when we had two of our good friends over for dinner, alongside some home-smoked salmon. These were just the leftovers!:
That almond milk I’ve been enjoying over my gluten-free Mesa Sunrise in the mornings!