No Fridge? No Problem!

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This week has been an interesting life experience.  Between camping in the woods for 4 full days at a festival, and moving into my new house, I have been 100% without refrigeration for nearly a full week now.  Which means, I spent $0 on groceries this week.  And seriously, all things considered, not even that much on going out.

If you’ll recall, I had a pretty serious food agenda planned for this festival, and we managed to pull it off with flying colors.  Aside from a $6 boat of fresh pesto garlic fries on Sunday afternoon, we didn’t buy any food from vending and subsisted entirely on the food we had prepared, and that we were sharing with friends.

Monday morning, I got up and ate a hearty breakfast of eggs, cheese, and toast, left over from our weekend’s camping groceries — so satisfying that I didn’t eat again until later that night when I got to try out the new Bollywood Theater up on Alberta with two of my best friends from out of town (one of whom has now been officially promoted to in-town, as of last night) — a delicious and creative array of Indian food in a super cute atmosphere, for just under $20, including a Pimm’s Cup!

Tuesday morning I was cooked a generous breakfast of eggs, veggies, and avocado before these friends and I headed out for a full day of errands:

Fridge shopping for my new house!

Bike shopping for Hollis!

Aardvark shopping for Jamie, where I also scored 6 gigantic banana boxes to finish packing up my kitchen.

Secret Aardvark

Food total for the day?  $18.50, including an afternoon snack at A La Carts of a Vietnamese papaya salad with steak, iced coffee, and the Veggies Gone Wild bowl at Laughing Planet with a local IPA as a final meal together before Jamie headed back off to Brooklyn early this morning.

And today?  I’m hoping this is my final meal of non-cookery.  I stopped at the food carts again on the way to work this morning to purchase the largest breakfast burrito I’ve ever seen (for $5!).

breakfast burrito

And an iced coffee from Stumptown that was nearly the same price and offset my excitement.  Lame.  As soon as I close up shop today I’m heading straight to the Standard TV & Appliance Outlet to pull the trigger and buy a brand new fridge.  I cannot wait.  Do you know what it feels like to have a brand new kitchen and not be able to cook in it?!

This Week’s Groceries

TOTAL: $0!!



2 thoughts on “No Fridge? No Problem!

  1. Congrats on the house! Good luck fridge hunting.
    I once went a month without a stove… it was small appliances like the crockpot and microwave. I finally caved and bought a one element burner. That helped.

    • Wow, that I can’t imagine. I think I do a lot more sauteeing and simmering than baking though, so no stove to me sounds about as tough as a week with no fridge has been! I finally decided on one though, and it’s arriving tomorrow morning 🙂

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